Hands of the Rainbow Colours aims to restore dignity to unemployed farmworkers, through the establishment of income-generating ventures of their own. Families living on farms earn an additional income through growing and selling organic vegetables to surrounding guest houses and restaurants.

The Hands of the Rainbow Colours (HARC) initiative was founded by a kind-hearted Farmer’s son, Andrew Mellish, a local Social Enterprise, Hands of Honour and the workers and unemployed people living on the farm Welbeloond.

Presently, on farms all over South Africa, there are many communities who have been adversely affected by the past historical injustices and present economic downturn with its prevailing social ills, especially alcohol or substance abuse and unemployment.

The Hands of Honour team were invited by Mr Mellish to come and inspire his farm workers. The men exchanged stories on their difficult life experiences and how one’s circumstances do not have to define oneself.

Moving forward, a portion of the land will be cleaned up and be made ready for crop farming. The farm workers and the Hands of Honour Team will manage this and share in the profits. In this way, the standard of living can be raised and people on the farm can start living lives with purpose and a vision. It is envisioned that Hands of the Rainbow Colours and Welbeloond, will set the tone and stage for other farms to embrace this sharing of wealth and ultimate camaraderie, that will see honour, dignity and prosperity find their way into communities living on farms.